
I've got my objective C app working in test mode for Stripe payments. But now I'm testing it on testflight and want to take real credit card numbers. I've swapped in the pk_live key (though I'm unsure where/if I need to update my sk_live secret key).

I'm testing the app with a real credit card to test that the payments are being charged but keep getting Parse Error 141. I think the issue is related to the app still responding as if it's in testmode. How to I trigger it to respond in livemode?

I'm using Parse backend. I've manually put Stripe into "Live" mode from my web dashboard.


This is what is happening at Stripe:

"id": "ch_161iHxblahblahblah", "object": "charge", "created": 1431455974, "livemode": false, "paid": false, "status": "failed", "amount": 300, "currency": "usd", "refunded": false, "source": { "id": "card_161iHxblahblahblah", "object": "card", "last4": "1234", "brand": "Visa", "funding": "credit", "exp_month": 10, "exp_year": 2018, "country": "US", "name": null, "address_line1": null, "address_line2": null, "address_city": null, "address_state": null, "address_zip": null, "address_country": null, "cvc_check": "pass", "address_line1_check": null, "address_zip_check": null, "dynamic_last4": null, "metadata": { }, "customer": null }, "captured": false, "balance_transaction": "txn_162I2Rblahblahblah", "failure_message": "Your card was declined. Your request was in test mode, but used a non test card. For a list of valid test cards, visit: https://stripe.com/docs/testing.", "failure_code": "card_declined", "amount_refunded": 0, "customer": null, "invoice": null, "description": "Charge for [email protected]", "dispute": null, "metadata": { }, "statement_descriptor": null, "fraud_details": { }, "receipt_email": null, "receipt_number": null, "shipping": null, "application_fee": null, "refunds": { "object": "list", "total_count": 0, "has_more": false, "url": "/v1/charges/ch_161iHxblahblahblah/refunds", "data": [


} }


1 Answers


I resolved this... seems very silly now but in case anyone else gets stuck at this basic step:

The secret key goes in the main.js file that you access or create via Parse Cloud Code. https://parse.com/apps/quickstart#cloud_code

Go to your Parse dashboard, then Core, then Cloud Code to confirm that you have deployed it.