I cannot find any documentation around the use of $ in MEL other than a couple of lines here
You can refer to any Java class by its fully qualified name or if it is one of the classes in the automatically-imported Java classes, by its unqualified name. References use the same dot notation as in Java, except that you must use $ rather than a dot to refer to a nested class.
I can find a couple of examples here
JSON processing MEL has no direct support for JSON. The json-to-object-transformer can turn a JSON payload into a hierarchy of simple data structures that are easily parsed with MEL. For example, the following uses a filtered projection to build the equivalent of the
(@.title=='Moby Dick')].price JSON path expression:
<json:json-to-object-transformer returnClass="java.lang.Object" />
expression="#[($.price in message.payload if $.title == 'Moby Dick')[0]]" />
I want to understand in which cases does the $ get used...