I am trying to setup Yii2 advanced like a traditional user/admin system. Frontend would be /user and backend would be /admin, and would use their respective table in the database (user and admin). I have not renamed frontend and backend to user and admin yet..
Using migrate generated the 'user' table, with all it's fields. I registered to create a new user, all that works perfect. I then copied the 'user' table and named it 'admin', and changed the username to admin. I can change the password, or truncate it, register new admin user, then remove the registration from the backend later. The admin table in the db itself isn't the issue as I am not getting that far when I reach the error..
I have setup and used Yii2 advanced just fine on the frontend (user) side of it. Of course, you have Yii::$app->user and it works just fine on the frontend. I can login, it uses the 'users' table. Frontend works great...
Now on the backend (admin) I need it to use the 'admin' table. I know you specify the table to use in the model. I copied /common/models/User.php and have /common/models/Admin.php and updated the function to use the 'admin' table instead.
I also copied /vendor/yiisoft/yii2/web/User.php and put it in /common/models/web/Admin.php (and renamed the name of the class from User to Admin)
Then I edited the /backend/config/main.php to reflect the changes for Admin (class and identityClass).
'components' => [
'admin' => [
'identityClass' => 'common\models\Admin',
'class' => 'common\models\web\Admin',
'enableAutoLogin' => true,
class Admin extends Component { ... }
class Admin extends ActiveRecord implements IdentityInterface {
public static function tableName()
return '{{%admin}}';
Error: User::identityClass must be set.
<-- As you can see, it's still references the User model some how...
Also, when I get this setup, would I use Yii::$app->admin instead of Yii::$app->user ? Like for checking if they are logged in using isGuest.
I want to be sure that a user can't login to frontend, then manually go to backend and be logged in!