
Fairly new to JBPM, using latest version of 6.2. I am trying to establish a process by which I can make a calls to a REST API for a legacy platform whenever certain (custom) task types are opened and again via an asynch process when they are completed at some point in the future.

At a high level the process should be something like:

Legacy App -> (REST) JBPM "StartProcess" -> (REST) Legacy App "Task A Created"

Legacy App -> (REST) JBPM "Complete Task A" -> (REST) Legacy App "Task A Completed" & Legacy App (REST) "Task B Created"

I have created and registered a ProcessEventListener and have created a hook in the AfterNodeTriggered event to make a call for nodes of a certain type. I have also created a custom WorkItem definition and added parameters which I can access in my registered WorkItemHandler. The issue I have is that I need my ProcessEventListener to retrieve a unique ID per instance (from the Legacy App) of my WorkItem and attach it to that WorkItem prior to the WorkItemHander being invoked. I can do this in the WorkItemHandler while completing the WorkItem by accessing the getParameter('key'), but I cannot determine how (or if this is possible) in a ProcessEventListener.

Can (and how do) I :

  1. Get access to parameters of a workItem (or a User Task) in a ProcessEventListener
  2. Determine the Node Type (e.g. MyCustomTask vs. "User Task") in the ProcessEventListener so that this service call is only invoked for MyCustomTask. I can get the Node 'event.getNodeInstance().getNode()' but I cannot tell what the node type is.
  3. Prevent my CustomTask from being created if there is any error on the remote service (roll back to the triggering node?).

I am fairly certain the answer is that I should be doing both of these requests in the WorkItemHandler using abortWorkItem() as necessary, but I cannot determine how I handle the corresponding asynch process as part of a WorkItemHandler solution.

Appreciate any feedback in advance!

I don't know the specific answer, but as someone who's new to JBPM get used to 'tumble-weed' questions on Stack. JBPM has no community, and even less documentation. You'll have to do some hard thinking for most of your problems.Canadian Coder
Well, that is certainly disappointing but thanks for the feedback.Dirk Meilinger

1 Answers


That is a lot of questions but I'll give it a go.

Yes, but only after its execution which does not address your requirement. But here it is nevertheless:

public void afterNodeTriggered(ProcessNodeTriggeredEvent event){
  WorkItemNodeInstance wini=(WorkItemNodeInstance)event.getNodeInstance();


WorkItemNode node = (WorkItemNode)event.getNodeInstance().getNode();
}else if(node.getWork().getName().equals("Human Task"){

Yes, but as mentioned before, the ProcessEventListener is perhaps not the ideal place. This is not for the faint-hearted but you can always provide your own implementation of the WorkItemNodeInstance somewhere in your setup code, BEFORE any process is started, like so:

NodeInstanceFactoryRegistry.INSTANCE.register( WorkItemNode.class,new CreateNewNodeFactory( MyCustomWorkItemNodeInstance.class ) );

Then you may want to override the internalTrigger method, which, depending on your requirements may look something like this:

public void internalTrigger(final NodeInstance from, String type) {
     /*my special custom code*/
        super.internalTrigger(from, type);
    }catch(MySpecialRemoteException e){
     /*my special custom exception handling*/

Depending on your requirements you may also have to add a custom ProcessInstanceMarshaller to ensure persistent processes instantiate your NodeInstance and not the default one, so it does get tricky, but it is doable:

ProcessMarshallerRegistry.INSTANCE.register(RuleFlowProcess.RULEFLOW_TYPE, new MyRuleflowProcessInstanceMarshaller());