It's in a pre-production installation, with Windows Server 2008 and WAS Liberty. In the Liberty is deployed IBM MobileFirst Platform 7.0, Analytics, a MobileFirst runtime, an application and an adapter. In the Operational Analytics there are not data/applications/servers/...
The server.xml file contains:
<application location="analytics.ear" name="analytics-ear" type="ear">
<jndiEntry jndiName="" value='http://maquinalocal.dominio.local:9080/analytics-service/data'/>
<jndiEntry jndiName="" value='http://maquinalocal.dominio.local:9080/analytics/console'/>
<jndiEntry jndiName="" value='"1"'/>
<jndiEntry jndiName="" value='"0"'/>
<jndiEntry jndiName="" value='true'/>
The messages.log is: