I am extending ActiveRecord::Base. In my lib folder, I have a file mongoid_bridge.rb:
module MongoidBridge
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
module ClassMethods
module InstanceMethods
def create_mongo(klass, fields)
ActiveRecord::Base.send(:include, MongoidBridge)
In config/initializers, I have two files, in order to be read in the correct order, each is prefixed with 01, 02, etc. In 01_mongo_mixer.rb, I have the following:
require "active_record_bridge"
require "mongoid_bridge"
Then in 02_model_initializer.rb, I have the following:
MyActiveRecordModel.all.each do |model|
model.create_mongo(some_klass, some_fields)
model is an instance of an ActiveRecord subclass, so it should find create_mongo instance method in the lookup chain. However, it does not find it, as I get the following error:
Uncaught exception: undefined method `create_mongo' for #<MyActiveRecordModel:0x007fff1f5e5e18>
Why can't it find the instance method?
It seems that methods under ClassMethods are included, but not the methods under InstanceMethods:
singleton_respond = MyActiveRecordModel.respond_to? :has_many_documents
# => true
instance_respond = MyActiveRecordModel.new.respond_to? :create_mongo
# => false