I'm struggeling on a piece of code, any help would be appreciated.
To make the story short, in my XSLT(2.0) file I have 2 nested loops. The first one performs a grouping based on year value. For each of these group, the inner loop performs some operations. In this particular loop, while performing tasks in the current group, I need to know the size(the number of elements) of the previous group. Of course, I can't figure out how to achieve this.
Here is a piece of XSLT code :
<xsl:for-each-group select=" ... " group-by="year">
<xsl:for-each select="current-group()">
<!-- Here I want to know the number of elements of previous group -->
For the first group, of course size needs to be 0 because there are no previous group yet. For following group (second, third, ...), I need to know the number of elements of the previous one.
So for example, if we have two groups :
- 2007 group with elements data1 data2 data3 data4
- 2009 group with elements data5 data6
When the inner loop perform operations on '2009 group', I need to know that 2007 group has 4 elements. (data1 data2 data3 data4)
More details !
Here is how my XML file looks like. You have a root racine called 'dblp', in which you can find either 'proceedings' or 'inproceedings' tag. Each of these consist of a description of a publication with the title,year,authors/editors, ... .
<proceedings mdate="2007-08-28" key="conf/adma/2007">
<editor>Reda Alhajj</editor>
<editor>Hong Gao</editor>
<editor>Xue Li</editor>
<editor>Jianzhong Li</editor>
<editor>Osmar R. Zaïane</editor>
<title>Advanced Data Mining and Applications, Third International Conference, ADMA 2007, Harbin, China, August 6-8, 2007, Proceedings</title>
<series href="db/journals/lncs.html">Lecture Notes in Computer Science</series>
<proceedings mdate="2007-08-28" key="conf/adma/2007">
<editor>Reda Alhajj</editor>
<editor>Hong Gao</editor>
<editor>Xue Li</editor>
<editor>Jianzhong Li</editor>
<editor>Osmar R. Zaïane</editor>
<title>Advanced Data Mining and Applications, Third International Conference, ADMA 2007, Harbin, China, August 6-8, 2007, Proceedings</title>
<series href="db/journals/lncs.html">Lecture Notes in Computer Science</series>
<inproceedings mdate="2007-08-28" key="conf/adma/YangLH07">
<author>Hui Yang</author>
<author>Reda Alhajj</author>
<author>Hongyan Liu</author>
<author>Jun He</author>
<title>DELAY : A Lazy Approach for Mining Frequent Patterns over High Speed Data Streams.</title>
<inproceedings mdate="2007-11-29" key="conf/adma/GuoKG07">
<author>Yi Guo</author>
<author>Reda Alhajj</author>
<author>Paul Wing Hing Kwan</author>
<author>Junbin Gao</author>
<title>Learning Optimal Kernel from Distance Metric in Twin Kernel Embedding for Dimensionality Reduction and Visualization of Fingerprints.</title>
Here is my previous XSLT piece of code :
<xsl:for-each-group select="/dblp/*/editor[text() = $currentEditor] | /dblp/*/author[text() = $currentEditor]" group-by="../year">
<xsl:value-of select="current-grouping-key()"/>
<xsl:for-each select="current-group()">
<xsl:variable name="titre" select="(../title)"/>
<xsl:variable name="linkEE" select="(../ee)"/>
The "xsl:for-each-group" performs a grouping based on the year value of the publications (proceedings,inproceedings). As you can see, I select a specific editor or author. For exemple, $currentEditor can be 'Reda Alhajj'. For 'Reda Alhajj' it will create 3 groups : 2009 group (with 1 proceedings + 1 inproceedings), 2007 group (with 1 inproceeding) and 1999 group (with 1 proceeding) (as you can see in the XML file) Then, the inner loop, will loop over the element of each group to retrieve more informations (title, link, ..).
My question : how can I achieve the same behaviour with the new xslt code ?
<xsl:for-each select="$groups/group">
how to get current-grouping-key ??
<xsl:for-each select="*"> title ?? link ??</xsl:for-each>
BIG thanks !
I reworked the code provided by Martin Hoonen, and here is my current XSLT piece of code.
<xsl:variable name="groups">
<xsl:for-each-group select="/dblp/*/editor[text() = $currentEditor] | /dblp/*/author[text() = $currentEditor]" group-by="../year">
<group year="{../year}">
<xsl:for-each select="current-group()">
<elem titre="{../title}" linkEE="{../ee}" editeurs="{../author | ../editor}">
<xsl:for-each select="$groups/group">
<xsl:value-of select="@year"/>
<xsl:for-each select="elem">
<xsl:variable name="person" select="@editeurs"/>
<xsl:for-each select="$person">
<!-- NOT WORKING TO LOOP SEPARATELY OVER EACH AUTHOR/EDITOR : gives me all author/editors of elem at the first iteration of loop -->
<xsl:value-of select="."/>
In the variable "groups", I have a tag "group" which corresponds to a general group (classified by year). In this "group" tag, I have added a "elem" tag which corresponds to publications. In deed, a group can consists of several publications (i.e in 2009, there a for example two publications so I have 2 "elem" in this "group", and for each of these elem I save title, ..).
My problem is for the authors/editors. As you can see from the XML file, I can have multiple distinct author or editor in a publication (for example in the first proceedings of my XML file, I have 5 editors). I would like later to be able to loop over each of them separately. for the moment, I save them as an attribute of "elem" as you can see, but then they are saved as a string and I cannot loop over each of them separately. Does anybody have an idea to achieve that ?
For the moment the loop over $person gives me this result : Hui Yang Reda Alhajj Hongyan Liu Jun He
Instead of (separature values on wich I can perfom specific treatment) :
- Hui Yang
- Reda Alhajj
- Hongyan Liu
- Jun He
Any help appreciated ! :)