
I'm trying to understand the Categories library, but I'm fairly new to Agda, so I'm looking for some sort of document explaining the choices that were made in the implementation of the library. There's a link to such a thing in the readme, but it's broken.

Which categories library? [There are several]. If you mean github.com/copumpkin/categories, then I heartily agree with your request!Jacques Carette
Yes, I did mean that one. But if you can recommend another that comes with more explanation, I'd be interested in that, too!user1604015
That's the one I use. It seems extremely well designed, but I have had to reverse engineer a lot of that design while using/extending it.Jacques Carette
@JacquesCarette Archive.org archived some (but maybe not all) of the pages from 2010: web.archive.org/web/20100225215628/http://…David Young
Maybe @copumpkin (stackoverflow.com/users/104136/copumpkin) knows the answer :) [I thought I could use this to notify the user but apparently comments don't work that way]curiousleo

1 Answers


For people landing here in the future: the 'new' agda-categories has some documentation in its readme about the choices, and also there is a published paper about it that goes into a lot more details regarding the design choices.