
Every time my AHK script runs (the Startup folder constains a symlink that points to the file) Windows asks me what program it should use to open the file. Why does this happen?

Probably because of a bad installation. If your version is oudated, try re-downloading the program from www.AutoHotkey.com and reinstall properly. Alternatively, right-click any .ahk-file in your file system and select "open with..." / "pick standard program" / "always open ahk files with..." and select your C:\Program Files\AutoHotkey\AutoHotkey.exephil294

1 Answers


It sounds like AutoHotkey isn't properly installed? Is it possible you didn't use an installer and are using a Stand Alone version?

To fix: Either Uninstall/Reinstall latest version of Autohotkey from ahkscript.org


Open up Explorer, Right click a file with .ahk, select Open with option, choose a default program, navigate to Autohotkey.exe and choose that program select "always use.." option. If that doesn't fix your problem I'll try and help further.