
I am running on Windows XP and recently updated Flash Player from v9 to v10.1. And Now, in the Debug Console under Flex Builder, I am getting a lot of debug statements(I think that is assembly). Below is an example, of what I get: " active: eax(737-757) ecx(738-758) ebx(3-797) esi(728-756)

@739 st 143112124(0) <- @3 09002830 mov 143112124(0), ebx active: eax(737-757) ecx(738-758) ebx(3-797) esi(728-756)

@740 ldop 0(@3) 09002836 mov edx, 0(ebx) active: eax(737-757) ecx(738-758) edx(740-754) ebx(3-797) esi(728-756)

@741 ldop 20(@740) 09002838 mov edi, 20(edx) active: eax(737-757) ecx(738-758) edx(740-754) ebx(3-797) esi(728-756) edi(741-742) *

@742 lea 4(@741) spans call 0900283B lea edi, 4(edi) active: eax(737-757) ecx(738-758) edx(740-754) ebx(3-797) esi(728-756) edi(742-769) *

@743 st 143111460(0) <- @742 0900283E mov 143111460(0), edi active: eax(737-757) ecx(738-758) edx(740-754) ebx(3-797) esi(728-756) edi(742-769) *

@744 alloc 12 alloca 12 at 120 for @744 activation.size 132 stacksize 132 entries 17 -8(ebp) (6-792) alloc -20(ebp) (7-792) alloc -68(ebp) (8-792) alloc -72(ebp) (0-793) arg
-76(ebp) (16-797) def
-80(ebp) (440-797) def
-80(ebp) -84(ebp) -88(ebp) (1-793) arg
-92(ebp) -96(ebp) -100(ebp) (2-793) arg
-104(ebp) -112(ebp) -116(ebp) -120(ebp) -132(ebp) (744-760) alloc active: eax(737-757) ecx(738-758) edx(740-754) ebx(3-797) esi(728-756) edi(742-769) *

@745 imm 2 active: eax(737-757) ecx(738-758) edx(740-754) ebx(3-797) esi(728-756) edi(742-769) *

@746 st 0(@744) <- @745 09002844 mov -132(ebp), 2 active: eax(737-757) ecx(738-758) edx(740-754) ebx(3-797) esi(728-756) edi(742-769) *

@747 imm 139523392 active: eax(737-757) ecx(738-758) edx(740-754) ebx(3-797) esi(728-756) edi(742-769) *

@748 st 4(@744) <- @747 0900284E mov -128(ebp), 139523392 active: eax(737-757) ecx(738-758) edx(740-754) ebx(3-797) esi(728-756) edi(742-769) *

@749 imm 136426472 active: eax(737-757) ecx(738-758) edx(740-754) ebx(3-797) esi(728-756) edi(742-769) *

@750 st 8(@744) <- @749 09002855 mov -124(ebp), 136426472 active: eax(737-757) ecx(738-758) edx(740-754) ebx(3-797) esi(728-756) edi(742-769) *

@751 ldop 16(@738) STEAL any @738 alloca 4 at 80 for @738 activation.size 132 stacksize 132 entries 17 -8(ebp) (6-792) alloc -20(ebp) (7-792) alloc -68(ebp) (8-792) alloc -72(ebp) (0-793) arg
-76(ebp) (16-797) def
-80(ebp) (440-797) def
-80(ebp) -84(ebp) (738-758) use
-88(ebp) (1-793) arg
-92(ebp) -96(ebp) -100(ebp) (2-793) arg
-104(ebp) -112(ebp) -116(ebp) -120(ebp) -132(ebp) (744-760) alloc 0900285C mov -84(ebp), ecx 0900285F mov ecx, 16(ecx) active: eax(737-757) ecx(751-759) edx(740-754) ebx(3-797) esi(728-756) edi(742-769) *

@752 imm 1 active: eax(737-757) ecx(751-759) edx(740-754) ebx(3-797) esi(728-756) edi(742-769) *

@753 or @738 @752 STEAL any @751 alloca 4 at 88 for @751 activation.size 132 stacksize 132 entries 17 -8(ebp) (6-792) alloc -20(ebp) (7-792) alloc -68(ebp) (8-792) alloc -72(ebp) (0-793) arg
-76(ebp) (16-797) def
-80(ebp) (440-797) def
-80(ebp) -84(ebp) (738-758) use
-88(ebp) (1-793) arg
-92(ebp) (751-759) ldop -96(ebp) -100(ebp) (2-793) arg
-104(ebp) -112(ebp) -116(ebp) -120(ebp) -132(ebp) (744-760) alloc 09002862 mov -92(ebp), ecx 09002865 mov ecx, -84(ebp) 09002868 or ecx, 1 active: eax(737-757) ecx(753-759) edx(740-754) ebx(3-797) esi(728-756) edi(742-769) * "

I am not sure, why it started, but any help will be appreciated.


2 Answers


Using a beta player; this stuff is to be expected; isn't it? Probably someone just didn't remove all the trace statements yet.


Just figured out the solution. It was caused by settings in Vizzy. I was experimenting with that tool and I guess it modified mm.cfg and produced a lot of details and trace statements. Fixed :)