Discard the SUM(OFFSET(...))
method and stick with summing a pair of INDEX function's defining a range on the 4th row. If will be faster and is a non-volatile function.
=SUM(INDEX('Operating Expense'!$4:$4,1,2+(ROW(1:1)-1)*12):INDEX('Operating Expense'!$4:$4,1,13+(ROW(1:1)-1)*12))
With that in D28, you can fill down for B4:M4, N4:Y4, etc.
How It Works:
Unlike other lookup functions (e.g. VLOOKUP function, HLOOKUP function, etc) the INDEX function can return a cell address reference that can be put to use directly withot resorting to additional overhead like the INDIRECT function. If fact, you can stitch two of them together with nothing more than a colon to create a usable cell range.
INDEX(<array>, <row_num>, <column_num>)
Example: (these all amount to the same thing)
=SUM(INDEX(A:A, 1, 1):INDEX(B:B, 5, 1))
=SUM(A1:INDEX(B:B, 5, 1))
=SUM(INDEX(A:A, 1, 1):B5)
Once we have control over the row and column of a cell range (aka array) we can manipulate them with a little math.
If you put =ROW(1:1)
in any cell and fill down you will get 1, 2, 3, etc. This is how we sequence the stagger as we fill down.
You want the first set of 12 month to sum B4:M4 so the first part uses 4:4 for the <array>. This represents all of row 4. The <row_num> is 1 because there is only one row to consider.
You want to start the sum range at column B so that is numerically column 2. We don't want to add anything the first time but we want to add 12 as we fill down so the match is 2 + (ROW(1:1)-1) × 12
or 2+(ROW(1:1)-1)*12
for starting <column_num> of 2, 14, 26, etc.
Similarly, you want to end the sum range at column M so that is numerically column 13. We don't want to add anything the first time but we want to add 12 as we fill down so the match is 13 + (ROW(1:1)-1) × 12
or 13+(ROW(1:1)-1)*12
for ending <column_num> of 13, 25, 37, etc.
The resulting cell range(s) as you fill down will be B4:M4, N4:Y4, Z4:AK4, etc. Stuffing these into a SUM function will give you the respective totals.
As mentioned, this is a trait of INDEX. VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP, etc only return the values, not a usable cell reference.
but it would be nice to see your actual code attempt, not just a passing mention if a couple of functions. Please edit your post to show the code you've written, describe what happened, describe what you expected to happen, and what you've tried to correct the problem. – Reticulated Spline