
I'm using forward plugin in testing and performance purposes. At first IndexController data passes through normal POST request. There I get this requst and POST data and I need add one more parameter to it.

$this->getRequest()->getPost()->subsystem = 'avia';

Than I use forward plugin

$result = $this->forward()->dispatch(
            'controller' => 'Port\\Controller',
            'action'     => 'port',

And whan I'm in this PortController I would get my request POST data again and it SHOULD contain my changes from IndexController

$post              = $this->getRequest()->getPost();
isset($post['subsystem']) //true

But it does't. It get's request object without changes.

isset($post['subsystem']) //FALSE

How to change Request globally for all controllers in current request process?

What i'm already trying?

        $params = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('ControllerPluginManager')->get('params');
                = 'avia';

        $this->getRequest()->getPost()->subsystem = 'avia';

        $post              = $this->getRequest()->getPost();
        $post['subsystem'] = 'avia';

        $event                                     = $this->getEvent();
        $event->getRequest()->getPost()->subsystem = 'avia';

        $_POST = $post->toArray();

And all this variances not working.

I'm already read this answer ZF2: How to pass parameters to forward plugin which I can then get in the method I forward them to?

But I don't want pass data through params, I need change Request.


But now i'm tested and maybe it was because on receiver side I tried to get request this way

 $request = $this->bodyParams();

But I should use it like this

if (!$request['subsystem']) {
      $request = $this->getRequest()->getPost()->toArray();

It was because I used Apigility RPC service and placed post data in JSON format in Request Content field, not in POST. And in another place I tried get it

$params         = $this->serviceLocator->get('ControllerPluginManager')->get('params');
        $requestContent = $params->getController()->getRequest()->getContent();
        $request        = Json::decode($requestContent, Json::TYPE_ARRAY);

But after I started to use POST and that's why it started to be confused.


1 Answers


I am not sure if this is really something you should do but I think you should be able to achieve it like this:

$parameters = $this->getRequest()->getPost();
$parameters->set('subsystem', 'avia');

$parameters is instance of Zend\Stdlib\Parameters.