How to authenticate to share point claims based web application from an web application.
1) i have a sharepoint web application which is (windows) claims based authentication enable and its in domain for example: COMPANY1
- and its not enable anonymous access , only a share point group can lo-gin to this share point site( these users are belongs to a A.D group).
2)In another domain COMPANY 2:
i have simple application which is farm authentication enable and users authenticated to this application from sql server database( users saved ins sql server ).
Users will login to application and authenticated , and after they will view the dashboard of this application in home page(default.aspx page)
and after here in this page there is a link to view the some BI data ( that exists in Sharepoint website)
here when this authenticated user clicks this link it must be open shaepoint page without asking
login credentials.
this is how its possible to do in sharepoint 2010
when i research about my problem i found that create custom sts service in sharepoint
and after how to make authentication between and sharepoint