I have a custom function to calculate the weight between two pixels (that represent nodes on a graph) of an image
function [weight] = getWeight(a,b,img, r, L)
ac = num2cell(a);
bc = num2cell(b);
imgint1 = img(sub2ind(size(img),ac{:}));
imgint2 = img(sub2ind(size(img),bc{:}));
weight = (sum((a - b) .^ 2) + (r^2/L) * abs(imgint2 - imgint1)) / (2*r^2);
where a = [x1 y1]
and b = [x2 y2]
are coordinates that represents pixels of the image, img
is a gray-scale image and r
and L
are constants. Within the function imgint1
and imgint2
are gray intensities of the pixels on a
and b
I need to calculate the weight among set of points of the image.
Instead of two nested loops, I want to use the pdist function because it is WAY FASTER!
For instance, let nodes
a set of pixel coordinates
nodes =
1 1
1 2
2 1
2 2
And img = [ 128 254; 0 255]
, r = 3
, L = 255
In order to get these weights, I am using an intermediate function.
function [weight] = fxIntermediate(a,b, img, r, L)
weight = bsxfun(@(a,b) getWeight(a,b,img,r,L), a, b);
In order to finally get the whole set of weights
distNodes = pdist(nodes,@(XI,XJ) fxIntermediate(XI,XJ,img,r,L));
But it always get me an error
Error using pdist (line 373)
Error evaluating distance function '@(XI,XJ)fxIntermediate(XI,XJ,img,r,L)'.
Error in obtenerMatriz (line 27)
distNodes = pdist(nodes,@(XI,XJ) fxIntermediate(XI,XJ,img,r,L));
Caused by:
Error using bsxfun
Invalid output dimensions.
This is a short example of my code that it should work, but I got the error mentioned above. If you copy/paste the code on MATLAB and run the code you will see the error
function [adjacencyMatrix] = problem
img = [123, 229; 0, 45]; % 2x2 Image as example
nodes = [1 1; 1 2; 2 2]; % I want to calculate distance function getWeight()
% between pixels img(1,1), img(1,2), img(2,2)
r = 3; % r is a constant, doesn't matter its meaning
L = 255; % L is a constant, doesn't matter its meaning
distNodes = pdist(nodes,@(XI,XJ) fxIntermediate(XI,XJ,img,r,L));
adjacencyMatrix = squareform(distNodes );
function [weight] = fxIntermediate(a,b, img, r, L)
weight = bsxfun(@(a,b) getWeight(a,b,img,r,L), a, b);
function [weight] = getWeight(a,b,img, r, L)
ac = num2cell(a);
bc = num2cell(b);
imgint1 = img(sub2ind(size(img),ac{:}));
imgint2 = img(sub2ind(size(img),bc{:}));
weight = (sum((a - b) .^ 2) + (r^2/L) * abs(imgint2 - imgint1)) / (2*r^2);
My goal is to obtain an adjacency matrix that represents the distance between pixels. For the above example, the desired adjacency matrix is:
adjacencyMatrix =
0 0.2634 0.2641
0.2634 0 0.4163
0.2641 0.4163 0
img = [ 128 254; 0 255]
,r = 3
,L = 55
, I hope it could be clear now. I appreciate if you can help me. – zeellos