I am new to the Azure and learning the could & service bus for past couple of weeks.
I am trying to read the messages from a Azure Service Bus Queue. The QueueClient receive method will pull the message out of the queue which I do not want to do initially. So I am browsing through all the messages in the queue one at a time in a while loop by using Peek() method. Then I compare the correlationId of the message with the Correlation Id i internally maintain in the local DB table.
Only if the correlation ID matches, then I go ahead and receive the message. But, Inorder to receive the message using the messageSequencenumber, I learned that I have to defer the message first, get the messageid stored in a list or something and then use the QueueClient Receive() method to receive the messages and finally mark the message as complete.
But Since I am browsing the messages using Peek(), this would not allow me to defer the message. I am stuck here in receiving the message using messageId.
Also I cannot just complete a message before receiving.
Can you please suggest any ways to accomplish this?
BrokeredMessage message = new BrokeredMessage();
message = null;
while ((message = reader.Peek()) != null && row_count > 0)
List<long> deferredMessageReceipts = new List<long>();
// Read Ping results table to get the rows with no msg_recv_ts
logobj.Message = "Reading ! Message: " + " Correlation ID:" + message.CorrelationId;
if (message != null)
if (PRTA_rows.Corr_id == message.CorrelationId) //compare correlation ids
DateTime ping_recv_ts = DateTime.Now;
string messageBody = message.GetBody<string>();
logobj.Message = "Ack Message Found ! Message Body: " + messageBody + " Correlation ID:" + message.CorrelationId;
string msg_type = "PING_ACK";
logobj.Message = "Marking Message as complete...";
// Deferring a message
message.Defer(); // Getting error here "The operation cannot be completed because the ReceiveContext is null."
long msg_seq_nbr=message.SequenceNumber;
reader.Receive(msg_seq_nbr); // This operation is not possible without deferring the message.
} // End while browsing messages.