The following query has different result sets depending on which of the [Measures] I use in the WHERE clause. Having the [Measures].[MetricFormula] instead of [Measures].[Actual] activated, the query delivers a different (and expected) result.
MEMBER [Measures].[MetricFormula] AS Measures.[Downloads]
MEMBER [Measures].[Actual] AS [Measures].[MetricFormula], LANGUAGE = 1031,FORMAT_STRING='#,##0'
SET [mySet] as
distinct descendants({[AppPackages].[AppPackages].&[F_TAAM00000069]}),
[Measures].[MetricFormula] <> 0 AND ([AppPackages].[AppPackages].PROPERTIES('AppTypeID') = 'DETAIL')
,aggregate([Time].[Calendar].[Date].&[2015-03-22T00:00:00]:[Time].[Calendar].[Date].&[2015-03-31T00:00:00], [Measures].[MetricFormula]))
([Time].[Calendar].[Date].&[2015-03-22T00:00:00]:[Time].[Calendar].[Date].&[2015-03-31T00:00:00]) ON COLUMNS,
([mySet]) ON ROWS
FROM [Facts]
([Measures].[Downloads] is the real measure defined in the cube.)
Question: Why does it deliver different results? I use this construct (in various forms) to simplify code based query generation. I'd like to understand the differnces before I start reworking my query generator.
Background: The query is supposed to calculate the Top 6 descendants of a given AppPackage for a given time range, based on the given measure. I start by finding the (non empty) descendants for the time range, on which I add the topcount, making sure that the time aggregated measure value drives the top calculation. Finally I put the evaluated set on the rows, the time on columns, specifying by where what to see. It works out nicely, besides the described effect.
coming directly from RDBMS? If yes, what is the datatype of that column? If not, how are you creating this measure in cube? – SouravA