
I wanted to plot a survival curve using the following data. I called the data file as A.txt and the object A

A <- read.table(text = "
Time Status Group
8 1 A
8 1 A
8 1 A
9 1 A
9 1 A
9 1 A
15 0 A
15 0 A
7 1 B
7 1 B
8 1 B
9 1 B
10 1 B
10 1 B
15 0 B
15 0 B", header = TRUE)

I tried to plot a survival curve using this code:

title(main="Trial for Survival Curve")
fit <- survfit(Surv(Time, Status) ~ Group, data = A)
legend(10, .9, c("A", "B"), pch=c(2,3),col=2:3)
plot(fit, lty=2:3, col=2:3,lwd=5:5, xlab='Time(Days)',
  ylab='% Survival',mark.time=TRUE,mark=2:3)

I would like to put marks (triangle for A and "+" for B) every time when survival % decreases for instance at Day 7 and Day 8. I want this labeling throughout the graph, but it adds the labels only at the end of the experiment.

No data, so nothing to work with for an example. Look at ?plot and its type="s" as well as at ?stepfun. And do learn to make examples with code so your answers are more helpful.IRTFM
I am so sorry since I am a new user, system didn't allow me to add a figure to clarify what I want to do. Besides, my survival data is consists of two groups that are labelled A and B. In A, 3 subjects died set day 8 and in B, 2 subjects died at day 8 and 2 died in Day 10 post infection. At the end of experiment which Day 15, two subjects are alive in each group. I tried to do a graph for this data. Trying to learn the basic still. Thanks a lot!Lothlorian
Still no data. Use dput() to produce R code that is something you add to the question. (Do read the directions. Don't use comments for what should be edits.)IRTFM
Dear BondedDust, I edited my post and added the data. Hope that help you to solve my problem. Thanks a lot. Sorry for taking your time.Lothlorian
Thank you very much for your help. Now I found it that if I changed the mark.time "mark.time=TRUE" with numeric it labels every time points. Thanks a lot for effort.Lothlorian

1 Answers


First, I'd recommend rearranging the plotting calls:

plot(fit, lty=2:3, col=2:3,lwd=5:5, xlab='Time(Days)',
  ylab='% Survival',mark.time=TRUE,mark=2:3)
title(main="Trial for Survival Curve")
legend(10, .9, c("A", "B"), pch=c(2,3),col=2:3)

You can add points to the survival plot with the points function. However, it looks like there's a small bug, which you can get around fairly easily:

firsty <- 1 ## Gets around bug
points(fit[1], col = 2, pch = 2) # Plots first group in fit
points(fit[2], col = 3, pch = 3) # Plots second group in fit

The points are plotted at the bottom of the "cliff" in the survival plot. enter image description here