
I'm new at Drupal, love it so far :)

I added Photo and Logo File field to blog entry with CCK. I need to display these images at blog post listing page. So at View Module, I added fields as below;

At View:

Content: Logo URL to file

Content: Photo Path to file

and it displays only names of files, but I need to display image. how can I make it with View Module?

Blog Listing Page:

Logo: http://blabla.com/drupal/sites/default/files/Logo_0.jpeg

Photo: sites/default/files/photoname_0.jpeg

Appreciate helps!!!! Thanks a lot!


1 Answers


In views in adding field select field like: "Content: Image (field_image)", then in Format: Image, Image to linked node etc.

Recommend also install imagecache module for appropriate resizing image.