
The Java project I'm working on uses a combination of code analysis tools: PMD, Checkstyle and FindBugs. These pick up on plenty of bugs, style issues etc. but one often slips through the net:

public class AbstractBadlyNamedClass { // Not abstract!
    // ...

Note the other way round is checked, i.e. public abstract BadlyNamedClass gives PMD warning "Abstract classes should be named AbstractXXX".

Could anyone advise whether there is a way of checking for this, either with one of the mentioned tools (perhaps some kind of custom rule?) or another automated tool that would do the job?

How about "search" in Eclipse?Antoniossss
I would actually support reversing it. There are plenty of reasons to not name an abstract class AbstractXXX. But a class named AbstractXXX better be abstract! Otherwise, you will confuse little old me :)Brandon
@Antoniossss - That would work but its hardly automated and not something thats easy to roll into a continuous integration process.Freiheit
You want some kind of mass refactoring?Antoniossss
@Antoniossss no just something that runs as part of the Eclipse and Maven build.Steve Chambers

1 Answers


I think the checkstyle AbstractClassName check is what you are looking for.