
Do Max/MSP support TCP sockets? How to receive signals sent from Flash (actionscript 2) XML Socket into Max/Msp? I've read about net.tcp recv and flashserver but they don't seem to be supported anymore.

Any help will be appreciated. Thanks!


2 Answers


Max doesn't have objects supporting TCP, except Java class net.tcp.recv. Note, that this class should be used with mxj object: [mxj net.tcp.recv]. You can find the source code of this object in the $maxdir$/C74/java-classes/classes/net/tcp/ directory.

In fact, nothing stops you from writing your own Java class for handling TCP. You can start from reading tutorial which bundled with Max: $maxdir$/C74/java-doc/WritingMaxExternalsInJava.pdf. Please note, you should compile Java using Java 6 language, not higher.


Max has udp send and udp receieve objects, over which you can send OSC messages. flosc seems to be a good tool to send receive OSC between Max and Flash.

flosc is a Java server that can communicate with anything that uses the OpenSound Control protocol. It can also communicate with Macromedia Flash (versions 5 and later) using Flash’s XMLSocket feature. flosc acts as a gateway between OSC and Flash...