I am using Apache Directory Studio (version 2.0.0 on both OpenSUSE(12) and on Windows 7), trying to add the posixAccount attribute to users and the posixGroup attribute to groups. I have followed the suggestion from the following links:
to enable the NIS schema, by setting m-disabled to FALSE. However, following a restart of both the LDAP server and ApacheDS itself, I still cannot add posixAccount or posixGroup attributes to existing entries - they are not available in the list of attributes to add.
My current workaround is to used ldapadd via the command line, as follows:
ldapadd -h <LDAP_SERVER_IP_ADDRESS>:<LDAP_PORT> -x -D "uid=username,ou=users,o=organisationName" -w userPassword -f /path/to/ldap_config_update
where the file "ldap_config_update" contains something like:
dn: uid=dtrotter,ou=groups,o=organisationName
givenName: Derek
sn: Trotter
uidNumber: 1000
gigNubmer: 1025
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: inetorgperson
objectClass: posixAccount
uid: dtrotter
cn: Del Boy
userPassword: plonker123!
It would be nice to know how to achieve this via the ApacheDS GUI.