I want to use WNS-Notifications for a Windows Phone 8.1 Silverlight App, of which there already is a WP 8.0-Version published in the store. (The WP 8.0-Version does not use any notification services).
I've got everything working besides the credentials: The Notifications are handled via a Windows RT background task and in the emulator I successfully receive pushes. But I still need to get an access token in the app, and as it is described here, in order to get an access token I need the Package SID and the Client Secret Key of the app .
Following this tutorial didn't work, because the app doesn't have an entry "services" in the WP-Dashboard:
Step 2: Obtain the identity values for your app [...] 1. Select the Services link.
This seems to work with Win RT-Apps only.
So my question is: How can i obtain Package SID and Client Secret Key with a WP Silverlight App? Do I somehow have to register the App separately in the Windows Store, beside the Windows Phone Store?
Thanks in advance!