
I know I can find the version of Swift I'm running right now reverting to a Terminal and typing:

xcrun swift --version
Swift version 1.1 (swift-600.0.57.4)
Target: x86_64-apple-darwin13.4.0

Also, I've been reading about the Preprocessor Macros in Swift, but no luck finding a Swift version constant.

As Swift 1.2 approaches it will be nice to flag old code that only runs on Swift 1.1 (Xcode up to 6.2) or new code that needs Xcode 6.3 (Swift 1.2)

Note: I can also use system() to do something like:

system("xcrun swift --version | grep version > somefile.txt")

Then open somefile.txt, but rather prefer some simpler solution

I am pretty sure that this has been asked before (without a satisfying solution at that time) but I cannot find it ...Martin R
I've found discussions about finding out Frameworks versions, but not about the language itself. Any information will be appreciatedDiego Freniche
Just a warning about the call out to xcrun. If there are multiple Xcode versions installed I'm not sure that the response you get will necessarily be for the Swift version that your app is running in.Joseph Lord
This is what I meant: stackoverflow.com/questions/27242690/…. Perhaps not the same, but related to your question.Martin R
@Martin: yes it's more or less the same. I don't care about the mechanism for getting Swift's version as long as it works :-)Diego Freniche

6 Answers


You can use conditional compilation directives to test for the specific Swift version used to build your project:

#if swift(>=5.0)
print("Hello, Swift 5!")
#elseif swift(>=4.0)
print("Hello, Swift 4!")
#elseif swift(>=3.0)
print("Hello, Swift 3!")
#elseif swift(>=2.2)
print("Hello, Swift 2.2!")
#elseif swift(>=2.1)
print("Hello, Swift 2.1!")

Finally got a workaround to do this. I'm using the constants prefixed with __ you can observe in your Playground. This would have been easier with some level of reflection, but...

__IPHONE_OS_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED is 80200, meaning __IPHONE_8_2 for Xcode 6.2 (Swift 1.1) but its value is 80300 (__IPHONE_8_3) in Xcode 6.3 (Swift 1.2)

func isSwift12() -> Bool {


So now in your library you can fail fast and tell your user Swift's version is not correct using this:

assert(isSwift12(), "Need Swift 12")

Swift will give you a nice:

assertion failed: Need Swift 12: file , line 20

UPDATE WWDC 2015 - Swift 2.0

As stated in Apple's Swift blog, in Swift 2.0 we have #available blocks to check for certain OS versions in our code. An example should be:

if #available(OSX 10.11, *) {
    monochromeFilter!.setValue(CIColor(red: 0.5, green: 0.5, blue: 0.5), forKey:kCIInputColorKey)
} else {
    // Fallback on earlier versions

Swift 3.1 extends the @available attribute to support specifying Swift version numbers in addition to its existing platform versions.

// Swift 3.1

@available(swift 3.1)
func intVersion(number: Double) -> Int? {
  return Int(exactly: number)

@available(swift, introduced: 3.0, obsoleted: 3.1)
func intVersion(number: Double) -> Int {
  return Int(number)

From your comment:

I want to check because different versions of Swift have different features

You should not check the version of your programming language in order to use some features or not. This approach is much better:

if (self.respondsToSelector(Selector("yourMethodSelector"))) {
    self.yourMethodSelector(test, sender: self)
} else {
    //error handling

Just check whether a method is available or not.


Open up a command line on your Mac computer

type swift -version, without the double dashes, which doesn't work any more for Xcode 11/Swift 5.2.2

Of course, you'll have to update to latest IDE, which always downloads the latest version of both Xcode, languages, compilers and tools... EVERYTHING is updated. If you do that, that solution works for sure.


For iOS :

var systemVersion = UIDevice.currentDevice().systemVersion;

For OSX :

var systemVersion = NSProcessInfo.processInfo().operatingSystemVersion;
