I'm trying to create a custom data type Tree. The definition is below:
A tree can be defined as either a leaf (identified by the keyword "Leaf") containing a single piece of information (i.e. it is a node with no child), or a node (identified by the keyword "Node") with a single piece of the information, plus a list of trees – each element in the list represent a subtree rooted at the corresponding child. Note that under this definition, a tree can never be empty. That means a tree can either be:
- Leaf data; or
- Node data [data, data, …] -- there can be zero or more tree inside the list
This is my code:
data Tree a = Leaf a | Node a [ Tree a ] deriving (Show)
foldt :: (a -> a -> a) -> Tree a -> a
foldt f (Leaf a) = a
foldt f (Node a []) = a
foldt f (Node a [b]) = f a (foldt f b)
It compiles, but when I try to run:
let myTree = Node 'A' [Node 'B' [Leaf 'E', Node 'F' [Leaf 'I', Leaf 'J', Leaf 'K']], Node 'C' [Leaf 'G', Leaf 'H'], Leaf 'D']
foldt min myTree
Instead of the expected output 'A'
, I get the below error:
CSC207a4.hs:(6,1)-(8,38): Non-exhaustive patterns in function foldt
What part of my function is non-exhaustive, or have I defined the data type incorrectly?
I may have solved the non-exhaustive pattern, I now have this, but it claims Tree is not defined:
data Tree a = Leaf a | Node a [ Tree a ] deriving (Show)
foldt :: (a -> a -> a) -> Tree a -> a
foldt f (Leaf a) = a
foldt f (Node a []) = a
foldt f (Node a [(Tree x)]) = f a (foldt f x)
foldt f (Node a [(Tree x):xs]) = f a (foldt f (f x (foldt f xs)))
[Tree a]
is 0 elements or 1 element. What if I hadNode 1 [Leaf 2, Leaf 3]
? – bheklilrLeaf
are not actually keywords—they're data constructors. – dfeuerlet
, etc., that is built into the language syntax. Data constructors are how you build up values in Haskell out of smaller pieces. Pattern matching on data constructors is then how you take the smaller pieces out of the values. – dfeuer