I am using up-to-date Eclipse Luna which should be ready for Java 8. However when I choose to create a new server with Tomcat 7 and click Next, in the Add and Remove screen I can't move my project because "Project facet Java version 1.8 is not supported." What is the problem and how can I fix this?
7 Answers
That is because you just changed your JRE location in the workspace property, which TOMCAT relies on.
Please reset your tomcat property accordingly again:
windows -> preference -> server -> Runtime Environments. To the right of Runtime Environments, you should see the servers. Remove Tomcat 8.0 and add Tomcat v9.0. Rebuild project.
You can remove and create it again, or just update it.
Actually I just wanted to add to the knowledge here. I often run into this problem. The thing that solves it for me is to actually change the Compiler compliance level.
Do this :
Right click on project -> Properties
Click on Java Compiler Tab
UNCHECK Enable Project Specific Settings, then click on the configure workspace settings... link and make sure your compiler compliance level is set to the preferred java version your runtime cannot support.
Once done, rebuild your project this may clear the problem.