Hey I have a problem where I have two potential ways the input data for a function can be entered.
One way is through a cvs file containing the data, the other is directly through a matrix.
Here is my code to get around this..
function printRouteStats(routeData)
% displays route info basedf on data for mountain bike tracks
if isa(routeData,'string')
gpsPoints = csvread(routeData); %fix this later as currently giving a string
gpsPoints = routeData;
This works for say printRouteStats([0 0 0; 0 300 10; 100 300 20; 100 500 -10; 400 500 -10])
but for printRouteStats('exampledata.csv') is gives output of exampledata.csv as a string, rather than produce the desired matrix.
Any suggestions?
Sorry I've only been learning matlab for two weeks so it's probably a really simple question for everyone here.