
I try to set invisible attribute to a field depending on a field in many2one relation:

In fact, I have a model M1 with a field option and a field m2_id which is a m2o relation to model M2 that contains a field category (a selection field with values val1/val2)

M1: option (text), m2_id (many2one)

M2: category (selection)

My purpose is to show/hide the field option depending on the value of m2.category

Normally this must work:

<field name="m2_id" />
<field name="option" attrs="{'invisible': [('m2_id.category','=','val1')]}" />

But this generates a runtime error:

Error: unknown field m2_id.category in domain [["m2_id.category","=","val1"]]

I tried to set the attribute directly like this:

<field name="option" invisible="[('m2_id.category','=','val1')]" />

but it expects a value not an expression. so, it's considered as True all the time.

Please any idea or suggestion ?


1 Answers


you may make related field for it and than add field on a attrs after than it will work fine.

For example:

'category': fields.related('m2_id', 'category', type="char", relation='target_table_name', readonly=True, string="Category"),

now use in xml like

<field name="m2_id" />
<field name="category" invisible="1"/>
<field name="option" attrs="{'invisible': [('category','=','val1')]}" />