
I am working with Android Studio 1.1.0 and while connecting SVN repository from Android Studio VCS i m getting error:

Subversion: (Accessing URL: https://url/svn/project_name) No appropriate protocol
(protocol is disabled or cipher suites are inappropriate) Please check Subversion
SSL settings (Settings | Version Control | Subversion | Network) Maybe you should
specify SSL protocol manually - SSLv3 or TLSv1

I Tried:

  • File -> Setting -> Version Control -> SubVersion -> General -> Uncheck all (or check all)
  • File -> Setting -> Version Control -> SubVersion ->Network (switched All or SSLv3 or TLSv1)
  • Cleared auth cache
  • Invalidate Caches / Restart

How do I resolve the error?

Your SVN client and the used server do not match, I assume one of them is very old and does only support insecure SSL/TLS protocols and ciphers. You can check the SVN using an online ssl test. Test it and update the supported protocols and ciphers in your question.Robert
i am using with android studio. And IntellijIdea contains plugin for subversion. SVN client is 1.7 this is not too old.Tulsiram Rathod
The first 1.7 release was in 2011 the last in 2014 - don't know ehich one you use. Anyway the SSL library used by SVN is your problem. Perform the ssl test on the SVN server as I suggested and look at the results...Robert
@Robert thanks for your time as i am using IP address so test is not possible.If you have any SSL relation information then please share (URL) So that i can check.Tulsiram Rathod

2 Answers


Please Setup SVN with Command line client. Check below.

enter image description here

  • Make sure SVN path is in File -> Settings -> Version Control -> Subversion -> Check use command line client. Specify svn.exe in path (located at C:\Program Files\TortoiseSVN\bin)
  • Also Check -> Use system default subversion configuration directory (located at C:\Users\user_name\AppData\Roaming\Subversion)

enter image description here

Then Prompt for authentication shown. Enter your credential.That's All.


In my case on Mac, in Android Studio -> Preferences-> Enable SVN interactive mode, it asked for to trust SSL certificate and add it to login keychain and everything worked as before.