So I have created a datasource (MS SQL SERVER 2008) with JDBC settings using console of OBIEE 11g.
Settings I have used “Database Type: MS SQL Server” and “Database Driver: Other”, the URL and driver class will be as follows,
This connection tested fine. I want to use this datasource in my rpd. But since my obiee is installed in linux, i can not open my repository online. Therefore, I have to create a DSN in my windows system using Datasources (ODBC). Name of DSN in my windows and DS at EM is same. So when I deploy this RPD, it deploys fine. But if i create analysis based on this, it expects an ODBC driver to be installed and throws error, Datasource name not found and no default driver specified. Which seems logical because I created the datasource in ODBC at my windows system and rpd read those settings and expects odbc. I want to use the datasource created in EM. If thats not possible, how can i resolve odbc error.