this is my first website in Drupal 7, I'm trying to learn this framework, but I'm encountering a problem to which I could not find a solution yet.
I'm trying to create a page with a panel that has 2 views (as seen in this photo), the left view contains a list of categories (terms from taxonomy) and the right view contains a list/grid of projects (Content Type). Each project is of a single category and when I click on a category on the left side I want it to filter only the projects of that category on the right side, in the same page (or a new page with the same layout ../projects/category_term_1).
What happens now is that when I click on a category, I'm taken to a page that diplays the projects listed as taxonony term ( ../taxonomy/nr_taxonomy) different layout (like blog, but without categories on the left side).
I have aces to another project where the functionality that I want is implemented is a sort of similar type of pages. I tried to replicate all configuration from that site to mine, but the only difference that I'm able to notice is that the value of "STORAGE" column the administration/structure/pages is "normal" for my website and "in code" for the other site.
Site's layout:
Thank you!