NOTE: This answer has been fully edited on 20150407
I have done some tests to create mpeg4 DICOM video with the dcm4che2 toolkit. I assume that the same could be done in a similar manner with the DCMTK tools.
Answering to your second question, a DICOM video is just a video file (which must be compliant with some given constraints according to the video type) with some necessary DICOM data elements (attributes).
One way to obtain a DICOM video file is to create first an XML file containing the necessary DICOM data elements, and then to combine the XML file with the original video file. You will end up having a supposedly compliant DICOM instance containig the original video encapsulated in the (7FE0,0010) data element.
Your XML file will be something more or less like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<attr tag="00020002" vr="UI" name="MediaStorageSOPClassUID">1.2.840.10008.</attr>
<attr tag="00020003" vr="UI" name="MediaStorageSOPInstanceUID"></attr>
<attr tag="00020010" vr="UI" name="TransferSyntaxUID">1.2.840.10008.</attr>
<attr tag="00020012" vr="UI" name="ImplementationClassUID"></attr>
<attr tag="00020013" vr="SH" name="ImplementationVersionName">dcm4che-1.4.18</attr>
<attr tag="00080005" vr="CS" name="SpecificCharacterSet">ISO_IR 100</attr>
<attr tag="00080008" vr="CS" name="ImageType">DERIVED\PRIMARY</attr>
<attr tag="00080012" vr="DA" name="InstanceCreationDate">20140505</attr>
<attr tag="00080013" vr="TM" name="InstanceCreationTime">135531</attr>
<attr tag="00080016" vr="UI" name="SOPClassUID">1.2.840.10008.</attr>
<attr tag="00080018" vr="UI" name="SOPInstanceUID"></attr>
<attr tag="00080020" vr="DA" name="StudyDate">20140505</attr>
<attr tag="00080022" vr="DA" name="AcquisitionDate">20140505</attr>
<attr tag="00080030" vr="TM" name="StudyTime">135531</attr>
<attr tag="00080032" vr="TM" name="AcquisitionTime">135531</attr>
<attr tag="00080050" vr="SH" name="AccessionNumber">2014505093198485</attr>
<attr tag="00080060" vr="CS" name="Modality">XC</attr>
<attr tag="00080070" vr="LO" name="Manufacturer">Test MFR</attr>
<attr tag="00080090" vr="PN" name="ReferringPhysicianName">Test^^^Dr^</attr>
<attr tag="00081030" vr="LO" name="StudyDescription">Test video HD</attr>
<attr tag="0008103e" vr="LO" name="SeriesDescription">Test video 720p</attr>
<attr tag="00082218" vr="SQ" vm="1" name="AnatomicRegionSequence">
<attr tag="00080100" vr="SH" name="CodeValue">T-32000</attr>
<attr tag="00080102" vr="SH" name="CodingSchemeDesignator">SRT</attr>
<attr tag="00080104" vr="LO" name="CodeMeaning">Heart</attr>
<attr tag="00100010" vr="PN" name="PatientName">Smith^John^^Test^</attr>
<attr tag="00100020" vr="LO" name="PatientID">100539</attr>
<attr tag="00100030" vr="DA" name="PatientBirthDate">19700101</attr>
<attr tag="00100040" vr="CS" name="PatientSex">M</attr>
<attr tag="00180040" vr="IS" name="CineRate">30</attr>
<attr tag="00181063" vr="DS" name="FrameTime">33.33</attr>
<attr tag="0020000d" vr="UI" name="StudyInstanceUID"></attr>
<attr tag="0020000e" vr="UI" name="SeriesInstanceUID"></attr>
<attr tag="00200010" vr="SH" name="StudyID">00000001</attr>
<attr tag="00200011" vr="IS" name="SeriesNumber">1</attr>
<attr tag="00200013" vr="IS" name="InstanceNumber">1</attr>
<attr tag="00200020" vr="CS" name="PatientOrientation"></attr>
<attr tag="00280002" vr="US" name="SamplesPerPixel">3</attr>
<attr tag="00280004" vr="CS" name="PhotometricInterpretation">YBR_PARTIAL_420</attr>
<attr tag="00280006" vr="US" name="PlanarConfiguration">0</attr>
<attr tag="00280008" vr="IS" name="NumberOfFrames">1080</attr>
<attr tag="00280009" vr="AT" name="FrameIncrementPointer">00181063</attr>
<attr tag="00280010" vr="US" name="Rows">720</attr>
<attr tag="00280011" vr="US" name="Columns">1280</attr>
<attr tag="00280100" vr="US" name="BitsAllocated">8</attr>
<attr tag="00280101" vr="US" name="BitsStored">8</attr>
<attr tag="00280102" vr="US" name="HighBit">7</attr>
<attr tag="00280103" vr="US" name="PixelRepresentation">0</attr>
<attr tag="00282110" vr="CS" name="LossyImageCompression">01</attr>
<attr tag="00400555" vr="SQ" name="AcquisitionContextSequence"></attr>
<attr tag="7FE00010" vr="OB">
<item />
<item src="test_720p.mp4"/>
Once you have the XML file, combine it with the video file in order to obtain the DICOM file:
$ xml2dcm -d -t 1.2.840.10008. -x test_720.xml -o test_720.dcm
The resulting file has been tested with the dciodvfy tool and it seems to be a valid part 10 DICOM file.
Now, you can try to store this DICOM file into your PACS:
$ dcmsnd -L TEST [email protected]:11112 test_720.dcm
I have tested it, being able to recover and to reproduce the video with the Weasis DICOM viewer.
Some additional information just to clarify
You can find additional information in this thread on the comp.protocols.dicom newsgroups.