I am using Access VBA, and I have two forms (form1 and form2), in form 1 I have a listbox control (form1.modifiable49). I choose a list item and with a button control click I open the second form (form2),
In the second form I have some table columns, and I have a textbox where I store my variable, I would like to open form2 with the element that equals the value of modifiable49
I have:
Private Sub Form_Load()
Me.Texte = [Forms]![Form1]![Modifiable49]
Me.Filter = "[id_parcelle]=" & Texte
Me.FilterOn = True
End Sub
but when I choose the value in the listbox and I excute I get error 2427:
You entered an expression that has no value.
The expression may refer to an object that has no value, such as a form, a report, or a label control.