I am trying to send multiple bytes on the SPI bus during the transmit window. Initially I am acquiring data from the flash ADC when the input pulse is high, then calculating its average and transmitting each average value sequentially on the SPI bus. I got the SPI vhdl module working, it was able to send data when I tried sending a single byte, but when I try to send more than 1 byte it just does not work. There is logic 0 on the MOSI line and the SS line is constantly high. This is the part where I try to send multiple bytes.
process(SPITrig, Clock, TX_Done, data_count, average2A_s, average2B_s)
case data_count is
when 1 =>
TX_Data <= average2A_s;
when 2 =>
TX_Data <= average2B_s;
when others => TX_Data <= "0101010101010101";
end case;
end process;
process(SPIBusy, SPITrig, SPI_Clock_base, data_count, TX_Start)
if falling_edge(SPITrig) then
SPIBusy <= '1';
TX_Start <= '0';
data_count <= 0;
delay_counter <= 0;
end if;
if rising_edge(SPI_Clock_base) and SPIBusy = '1' then
if data_count < 3 then
if delay_counter = 128 then
TX_Start <= not TX_Start;
delay_counter <= 0;
elsif delay_counter < 128 then
delay_counter <= delay_counter + 1;
end if;
elsif data_count >= 3 then
TX_Start <= '0';
delay_counter <= 0;
SPIBusy <= '0';
end if;
end if;
if rising_edge(TX_Start) then
data_count <= data_count + 1;
end if;
end process;
It works perfectly well in simulation, but theres no output on the hardware. Need your help in finding out whats wrong. PS: This is my first FPGA project, so my code may not be so efficient. I have also attached the ISIM screenshot.
tx = TX Done pin
trig = TX Start ping
c1 = data count
Note: SPI transmission sequence starts when average outputs are available and it is triggered using an internal signal"SPITRig".