I have column of time values and i want to sum these values but when one field is null an error is shown #error ,, i used iif (isnothing(attTime),0, attTime) condition but this integer error then i used 00:00 but it appears 12 hour and sum 12
this code that i used
= Right("0" & Sum(CInt(Left(CDate(Fields!timeAtt.Value.ToString()).ToString("hh:mm"),2)), "DataSet1") + Floor(Sum(CInt(Right(CDate(Fields!timeAtt.Value.ToString()).ToString("hh:mm"),2)), "DataSet1") / 60),2) & ":" & Sum(CInt(Right(CDate(Fields!timeAtt.Value.ToString()).ToString("hh:mm"),2)), "DataSet1") Mod 60
so please i want to sum the fields and avoid the null fields
select hoursAtt from attendanceTable where hoursAtt is not NULL
? – Apurv Gupta