
So I created a date dimension from this article a link

I modified it and added datestamp to Day node which is Month/Day/Year (string)

I added indexes on Year.year, Month.month, Day.day && day.datestamp

When I run this query:

MATCH p=(day2:Day {datestamp:'1/1/2015'})-[:NEXT*]->(day {day:2}) return length(p) limit 5

It takes 1667 ms to execute

When I modify the query to this:

MATCH p=(day2:Day {datestamp:'1/1/2015'})-[:NEXT*]->(day {datestamp:'1/2/2015'}) return length(p)

After it runs for about a minute, it ends in the Unknown Error message.

My schema is:


ON :Day(day) ONLINE
ON :Day(datestamp) ONLINE
ON :Month(month) ONLINE
ON :Year(year) ONLINE

No constraints

Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?

Could you share your database somewhere? Seems to be an interesting problem. Also which Neo4j version are you running?Michael Hunger
Can you try to run MATCH p=shortestPath(day2:Day {datestamp:'1/1/2015'})-[:NEXT*]->(day {day:2}) return length(p) limit 5Michael Hunger

1 Answers


I think I figured it out.

Looks like the 1st query that runs 1667ms only runs and completes because of limit 5, it finds 5 records and stops further execution.

While the other keeps going and going until it runs out of juice.

I think solution in this case is constraint that indicates datestamp is unique which should prevent further execution.

Still interesting, considering there's about 2600+ records connected with HAS_NEXT so traveling through those relationships shouldn't be taking this long to find out that there's only 1 record that matches that query.