So I created a date dimension from this article a link
I modified it and added datestamp to Day node which is Month/Day/Year (string)
I added indexes on Year.year, Month.month, && day.datestamp
When I run this query:
MATCH p=(day2:Day {datestamp:'1/1/2015'})-[:NEXT*]->(day {day:2}) return length(p) limit 5
It takes 1667 ms to execute
When I modify the query to this:
MATCH p=(day2:Day {datestamp:'1/1/2015'})-[:NEXT*]->(day {datestamp:'1/2/2015'}) return length(p)
After it runs for about a minute, it ends in the Unknown Error message.
My schema is:
ON :Day(day) ONLINE
ON :Day(datestamp) ONLINE
ON :Month(month) ONLINE
ON :Year(year) ONLINENo constraints
Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?
MATCH p=shortestPath(day2:Day {datestamp:'1/1/2015'})-[:NEXT*]->(day {day:2}) return length(p) limit 5
– Michael Hunger