
I'm trying to write a deferred renderer using C# and OpenGL (with OpenTK).

But don't understand how should I implement the normal calculation for a point light.

The point light fragment shader:

    vec2 texCoord = gl_FragCoord.xy / ScreenSize;

    vec3 pixelPos = texture2D(PositionBuffer,texCoord).xyz;
    vec3 pixelNormal = normalize(texture2D(NormalBuffer, texCoord).xyz);
    vec3 diffuseColor = texture2D(ColorBuffer, texCoord).xyz;

    vec3 toLight = LightCenter - pixelPos;

    float attenuation = clamp(1.0 - length(toLight)/LightRadius,0.0,1.0); 

    toLight = normalize(toLight);

    float nDotL = max(dot(pixelNormal, toLight),0.0);

    vec3 diffuseLight = diffuseColor * nDotL;

    LightMap = LightIntensity * attenuation * vec4(diffuseLight,1.0);

Result: The result

It looks fine. But the light is on a 10*10 flat surface, and the radius of the light is 5, so the light should almost cover the surface.

I understand the problem, I just don't know how to fix it...

Normal problem

nDotL of further pixels will be smaller, which leads to this "artifact".

If I remove the "* nDotL" part the light looks like this:

enter image description here

In this case the range is fine, but the bottom of the floor is lit too...

I would be grateful if somebody could tell me how to fix this.

Also the source code is here if it's needed.

The attenuation terms looks somehow wrong to me. Shouldn't this in general be 1/length(toLight)? What you do at the moment is a linear fadeout between 0 and LightRadius.BDL
Using "float attenuation = clamp(1.0 / length(toLight),0.0,1.0);" it looks better, but something is still wrong because I can see the edge of the light sphere. i.imgur.com/Vzlyj1s.pngrobot9706

2 Answers


It is normal that your lightning gets darkers when you combine Decay + Diffuse. As they are not 1.0 (but some value between 0.0,1.0) if you multiply both you get a darker result. You should increase the strength of the light. You can do

lightStrength / (ConstantDecay + distance*LinearDecay + distance*distance*CuadraticDecay). 

It would give you a softer decay and allow you to increase the light effect to enlight more radius.

vec3 distance = toLight * (1.0 / LightRadius);
float attenuation = clamp(1 - dot(distance, distance), 0, 1);
attenuation = attenuation * attenuation;

Using this "formula" it looks like it's working as it should.