I've just created a new Ember-CLI app (v0.1.12), and noticed that the referenced version of Ember is v1.8.1 (bower.json). I'd like to get the recently released 1.10 goodness in my project. What steps do I need to take to do this? (I'm new to Ember, Ember-CLI, Bower & NPM.)
2 Answers
As per the release notes for Ember 1.10.0
To smoothly upgrade to 1.10 and HTMLBars, Ember-CLI users should update to a version at or after 0.1.12 and then remove their application's Handlebars dependency.
You can do this by following the steps below:
1) Delete your bower_components
2) run bower install --save ember#beta
to get the latest beta of Ember (you can specify the version if you want a specific version)
3) run bower install
to reinstall your bower dependencies
4) Uninstall handlebars: npm uninstall --save-dev broccoli-ember-hbs-template-compiler
5) Install HTMLbars: npm install --save-dev ember-cli-htmlbars