
I'm really new to Scala and I'm try to convert some JSF controller to Scala to do some test. The code is the following:

abstract class BaseListBean[TENTITY <: AnyRef, TID <: AnyRef] extends Serializable {

  @BeanProperty var current:TENTITY = _

  @BeanProperty var lazyDataModel: LazyDataModel[TENTITY] = _

  def initLazyDataModel(): LazyDataModel[TENTITY] = {

    val model:LazyDataModel[TENTITY] = new LazyDataModel[TENTITY]() {

      override def load(first: Int, pageSize: Int, sortField: String, sortOrder: SortOrder, filters: util.Map[String, AnyRef]): util.List[TENTITY] = {

        val paginationInfo:PaginationInfo = new PaginationInfo()
        paginationInfo.setDirections(if (SortOrder.ASCENDING == sortOrder) Array(Direction.Asc) else Array(Direction.Desc))

        val advisoryPaginatedResult:PaginatedResult[TENTITY] = getBaseCRUD.read(paginationInfo)

        advisoryPaginatedResult getItems

      override def getRowKey(obj: TENTITY): TID = getEntityKey(obj)


    return model;


  def init() = {


  def getEntityKey(obj: TENTITY) : TID
  def getBaseCRUD() : BaseCRUD[TENTITY, TID]
  def customInit() = {



The error on compile time is:

Error:(24, 34) type mismatch;

found : org.primefaces.model.org.primefaces.model.LazyDataModel[TENTITY]

required: org.primefaces.model.org.primefaces.model.LazyDataModel[TENTITY]

val model:LazyDataModel[TENTITY] = new LazyDataModel[TENTITY]() {

I search for a solution but the problem still remaign. I try to reproduce with simpler code like this:

abstract class ExampleGenerics[T <: AnyRef, V <: AnyRef] {

  @BeanProperty var list:util.AbstractMap[T, V] = _

  def initList() : util.AbstractMap[T, V] = {
    val model:util.AbstractMap[T, V] = new util.AbstractMap[T, V]() {
      override def entrySet(): util.Set[Entry[T, V]] = {
        return null;
    return model

  def init() = {



But this will work. Someone can help? Thanks


1 Answers


I found the problem:

This is the head of LazyDataModel<T>:

public abstract class LazyDataModel<T> extends DataModel<T> implements SelectableDataModel<T>, Serializable { /*...*/ }

The class inherit from DataModel<T>.

In my pom.xml I have


and also


The class DataModel<T> is in the jsf 2 packages but also in javaee-api there is DataModel class (without generic). So the compiler go wrong. The resolution is to modify the pom with the following dependencies:


I can't use jee6 api dependencies cause I'm using jee5 compatible app server with JSF2.0 upgrade.