
Getting status of serial ports (ttyS*) via linux terminal is simple:

sudo cat /proc/tty/driver/serial

Then it shows serinfo with list of all uarts with info about status and buffers. When I call

sudo cat /proc/tty/drivers

then I can see that rfcomm drivers are available:

rfcomm   /dev/rfcomm   216 0-255 serial

And, of course, reading data comming from paired bluetooth device is not a problem.

The question is: how to get status of rfcomm serial ports (e.g. Blueotooth SPP devices)? Is this information available somewhere in the /proc directory like for ttyS* or could I use totally different way?

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1 Answers


It depends what status you are looking for. The "rfcomm" command that comes with bluez does have some status info. It depends if that is adequate for you.

% rfcomm -h
RFCOMM configuration utility ver 4.101
        rfcomm [options] <command> <dev>

        -i [hciX|bdaddr]      Local HCI device or BD Address
        -h, --help            Display help
        -r, --raw             Switch TTY into raw mode
        -A, --auth            Enable authentication
        -E, --encrypt         Enable encryption
        -S, --secure          Secure connection
        -M, --master          Become the master of a piconet
        -f, --config [file]   Specify alternate config file
        -a                    Show all devices (default)

        bind     <dev> <bdaddr> [channel]       Bind device
        release  <dev>                          Release device
        show     <dev>                          Show device
        connect  <dev> <bdaddr> [channel]       Connect device
        listen   <dev> [channel [cmd]]          Listen
        watch    <dev> [channel [cmd]]          Watch