I am pretty new to Stata programming.
My question: I need to reorder/reshape a dataset through (I guess) a macro.
I have a dataset of individuals, with a variable birthyear
' (year of birth) and variables each containing weight at a given CALENDAR year: e.g.
BIRTHYEAR | W_1990 | W_1991 | W_1992 | ... | w_2000
1989 | 7.2 | 9.3 | 10.2 | ... | 35.2
1981 | 33.2 | 35.3 | ...
I would like to obtain new variables containing weight at different ages, e.g. Weight_age_1
, Weight_age_2
, etc.: this means take for instance first obs of example, leave Weight_age_1
blank, put 7.2 in Weight_age_2
, and so on.
I have tried something like...
forvalues i = 1/10{
capture drop weight_age_`i'
capture drop birth`i
gen birth_`i'=birthyear-1+`i'
tostring birth_`i', replace
gen weight_age_`i'= w_birth_`i'
.. but it doesn't work.
Can you please help me?