After having completed the Compiler Design course at my university I have been playing around with making a compiler for a simple programming language, but I'm having trouble with the parser. I'm making the compiler in mosml and using its builtin parser mosmlyac for constructing the parser. Here is an excerpt from my parser showing the grammar and associativity+precedence.
%right ASSIGN
%left OR
%left AND
%nonassoc NOT
%nonassoc NEGATE
Prog : FunDecs EOF { $1 }
FunDecs : Fun FunDecs { $1 :: $2 }
| { [] }
Fun : Type ID LPAR TypeIds RPAR StmtBlock { FunDec (#1 $2, $1, $4, $6, #2 $2) }
| Type ID LPAR RPAR StmtBlock { FunDec (#1 $2, $1, [], $5, #2 $2) }
TypeIds : Type ID COMMA TypeIds { Param (#1 $2, $1) :: $4 }
| Type ID { [Param (#1 $2, $1)] }
Type : VOID { Void }
| INT { Int }
| BOOL { Bool }
| CHAR { Char }
| STRING { Array (Char) }
| Type LBRACKET RBRACKET { Array ($1) }
StmtBlock : LCURLY StmtList RCURLY { $2 }
StmtList : Stmt StmtList { $1 :: $2 }
| { [] }
Stmt : Exp SEMICOLON { $1 }
| IF Exp StmtBlock { IfElse ($2, $3, [], $1) }
| IF Exp StmtBlock ELSE StmtBlock { IfElse ($2, $3, $5, $1) }
| WHILE Exp StmtBlock { While ($2, $3, $1) }
| RETURN Exp SEMICOLON { Return ($2, (), $1) }
Exps : Exp COMMA Exps { $1 :: $3 }
| Exp { [$1] }
Index : LBRACKET Exp RBRACKET Index { $2 :: $4 }
| { [] }
Exp : INTLIT { Constant (IntVal (#1 $1), #2 $1) }
| TRUE { Constant (BoolVal (true), $1) }
| FALSE { Constant (BoolVal (false), $1) }
| CHRLIT { Constant (CharVal (#1 $1), #2 $1) }
| STRLIT { StringLit (#1 $1, #2 $1) }
| LCURLY Exps RCURLY { ArrayLit ($2, (), $1) }
| ARRAY LPAR Exp RPAR { ArrayConst ($3, (), $1) }
| Exp PLUS Exp { Plus ($1, $3, $2) }
| Exp MINUS Exp { Minus ($1, $3, $2) }
| Exp TIMES Exp { Times ($1, $3, $2) }
| Exp DIVIDE Exp { Divide ($1, $3, $2) }
| NEGATE Exp { Negate ($2, $1) }
| Exp AND Exp { And ($1, $3, $2) }
| Exp OR Exp { Or ($1, $3, $2) }
| NOT Exp { Not ($2, $1) }
| Exp EQUAL Exp { Equal ($1, $3, $2) }
| Exp LESS Exp { Less ($1, $3, $2) }
| ID { Var ($1) }
| ID ASSIGN Exp { Assign (#1 $1, $3, (), #2 $1) }
| ID LPAR Exps RPAR { Apply (#1 $1, $3, #2 $1) }
| ID LPAR RPAR { Apply (#1 $1, [], #2 $1) }
| ID Index { Index (#1 $1, $2, (), #2 $1) }
| ID Index ASSIGN Exp { AssignIndex (#1 $1, $2, $4, (), #2 $1) }
| PRINT LPAR Exp RPAR { Print ($3, (), $1) }
| READ LPAR Type RPAR { Read ($3, $1) }
| LPAR Exp RPAR { $2 }
Prog is the %start
symbol and I have left out the %token
and %type
declaration on purpose.
The problem I have is that this grammar seems to be ambiguous and looking at the output of running mosmlyac -v
on the grammar it seems that it is the rules containing the token ID that is the problem and creates shift/reduce and reduce/reduce conflicts. The output also tells me that the rule Exp : ID is never reduced.
Can anyone help me make this grammar unambiguous?