For example, I created two linked nodes:
create (a:ACTOR {id: "a1", name: "bruce wellis"})
create (m:MOVIE {id: "m1", title: "die hardest"})
create (a)-[:ACTED_IN]->(m)
1. From this cypher query:
match (a:ACTOR {id: "a1"})
with a
optional match (m:MOVIE {id: "m1"})
set m += {
title: "die easier"
return a;
I can have result:
| a |
| Node[1000]{name:"bruce wellis",id:"a1"} |
1 row
Properties set: 1
The query successfully returned the actor node.
2. (UPDATED) But if you make the match MOVIE subquery failed:
match (a:ACTOR {id: "a1"})
with a
optional match (m:MOVIE {id: "mm"})
set m += {
title: "die easier"
return a;
I got error:
CypherTypeException: Expected m to be a node or a relationship, but it was :`null`.
How to make the second query returning matched actor result?