
I have Windows 7 32 bit and wanted to work on wordpress to host my own page but to do that I got virtual server WAMP Server V 2.5 and after installing it, icon in taskbar was orange and after right and left clicking, there was no menu. I read many forums, disabled IIS and restarted and nothing. Also uninstalled, deleted directory on c:, installed again but same result, no menu, orange icon. I'm not a tech expert, so pls 'customize' your answers keeping this in mind. I have no idea how to check logs etc So pls let me know. Much obliged.

Forgot to mention that hovering mouse over icon it says, 1 of 2 services running-server offline. I typed localhost and an IIS image showed up. So, after disabling IIS and restarting, my WAMP icon has disappeared altogether. So I enabled IIS again but the IIS does not check altogether as its 'shaded' (the FTP option is unchecked). After this I restarted and the WAMP icon did'nt show again. This happened yesterday and I reinstalled WAMP as I did now but still nothing. Also inside the WAMP folder, there is no apache folder nor is there any menu display from the WAMP icon on taskbar as mentioned above. Which other way is there to find out about the port my WAMP is using. And I dont have Skype.

Do you actually use IIS? If not uninstall it, if you do, IIS and Apache are both web servers SO OF COURSE THEY BOTH TRY AND USE tcp port 80.RiggsFolly
ORANGE ICON = One of the services has not been able to start.You need to find which service is not started. Run services.exe and look for wampapache and wampmysqld which one is started and which one is not?RiggsFolly
I mentioned below that wampserver menu is displaying now. so thanks riggsfolly-have a direction now. checked from apache-test port 80 that iis is using it. went to programsfeatures, could'nt find iss for uninstall option but when i chose 'turn win features off', it was there. could i do that and restart? thanksSameer Chowdhury
got it green by changing port via administrative tools/iis/default web site (right click)-edit bindings, edit port no to 8080. then restart all services from wamp icon on taskbar. thanks for working out all the steps riggsfollySameer Chowdhury
thanks so much riggsfollySameer Chowdhury

13 Answers


I had also that problem, there might be another program running on the same ports, I know skype can be difficult to run with wamp and xammp servers.

Check out if something else is running on same ports and turn skype off = the fix :))

edit: netstat -a -b will show all listening ports and the executable name If you prefer a graphical version, Microsoft's TCPView will show you the same information, updating in real-time.


if you have other programmes running on the same ports you will have to change the ports of your virtual server.


I use this way to solve my problem. Click Wampserver icon -> Apache -> Service Administration -> Install Service -> click on wampserver icon again -> Apache -> Service Administration -> Start/Resume Service.

Done: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=75FFNArSPvU


I faced the same problem when running the wampserver. The icon was orange (server offline). Please find the steps I followed to get them working.

  • Uninstalled IIS to let apache use port 80 (DIDN'T FIX THE PROBLEM)

  • I changed the apache port from 80 to 8080 in httpd.conf restarting the services and it worked the icon turned green. (FIXED THE PROBLEM)

FIX without changing the port in httpd.conf

Wanted to find which service/application was using the port 80 run your command line as administrator and type

netstat -ab

Displays protocol statistics and current TCP/IP network connections.

Results showed port 80 being used

TCP LISTENING [Can not obtain ownership information]

googling the msg helped me find the service "Web Deployment Agent Service" that was using the port. stopped the service. Updated the httpd.conf to use port 80 again.

Edit : After stopping the service, set its startup type to "Manual" to avoid the problem from reoccurring

Look here for more details : http://benohead.com/windows-port-80-already-use/

Note: I found the "Web Deployment Agent Service" from "administrative tools >> services" (It wasn't listed in taskmanager/services).

Restarted the wampserver and It worked, apache now uses port 80.

TCP LISTENING [httpd.exe]


Did you try switching MySQL ports? If you have another version of mySQL already installed outside of WAMP - you could run into the same problem..

When I tested port 3306 (default sql port) it told me it was being used by 'mysqld.exe' (but not 'wampmysqld64.exe' - WAMP's mysql) which was from a different version of MySQL I had previously installed on the machine and since forgot about.


If the wampmanager menu is not appearing, it sounds like you are missing one or more of the required MSVC Runtime libraries on your system.

There are a number that WampManager/Apache/MySQL/PHP require but as WAMPServer can install Apache versions back as far as Apache 2.22 and PHP version back to PHP5.3.5 it is simpler to make sure you have a complete set.

Please make sure you have the latest version of all of these Microsoft C/C++ Redistributable runtime libraries. You dont need the whole compiler, just these C/C++ runtime libraries.

FOR WAMPServer 32bit

Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 SP1 Redistributable Package (x86)

Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 SP1 Redistributable Package (x86)

If you are using WampServer 2.4 or 2.5 32bit and therefore Apache 2.4.x

Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 is required And select vcredist_x86.exe

Later versions may also require

Microsoft Visual C++ 2014 and select vcredist_x86.exe

Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2015 Update 3 and select vcredist_x86.exe

FOR WAMPServer 64bit

Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 SP1 Redistributable Package (x86)

Yes you need the x86 Package regardless as
wampmanager is a 32bit exe even on a 64 bit install

Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package (x64)

Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 SP1 Redistributable Package (x64)

If you are using WampServer 2.4 64bit

Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 SP1 Redistributable Package And select vcredist_x64.exe

Later versions may also require

Microsoft Visual C++ 2014 and select vcredist_x86.exe

Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2015 Update 3 and select vcredist_x64.exe


The names of these runtime installs are almosts all called vcredist_x86.exe !!! So download and install them one at a time or you will get very confused.

Once they are installed your 'Programs and Features' should look something like this :-

32bit systems 32bit system

64bit systems 64bit system


Have you tried running it on another port? Just changed the port of your wamp server and try again. Google out how to change the port of wamp server etc..


Sometimes there's a service running on the port which is needed by the sql server or apache.

Copy this string and save in a .bat file:

FOR /F "usebackq tokens=5" %%i IN (`netstat -aon ^| find "3306"`) DO taskkill /F /PID %%i

change 'find "3306"' in the port number which needs to be free. Then run the file as admin. It will kill all the processes running on this port


I had the orange status issue too. Apparently the Apache server that was already running from the previous launch did not terminate properly. Hence I had to kill that through the task manager to get the WAMP server running again.


My Apache service was reporting a fatal error on startup which could be found in the Event Viewer's Windows Logs -> Application. You can find your particular error from the event logs as well, if the checklist of common fixes (like closing Skype) doesn't solve it. My specific error was a syntax error on an alias file I wrote.


I have finally fixed it!!!
If you have installed another mysql server for visual studio or netbeans it will use port: 3306;
But for Wampsever 3 all you have to do is to right click the wamp ORANGE icon then under mysql group click test another port;
it will show you a dialog with port: 3307;
then press OK. Thats it; then the icon will turn GREEN;
Don't forget to say

cout <<"YESSS!" << endl;

I had this same problem, and it ended up being a port conflict.

I opened up task manager, and a Microsoft SQL process was running. After ending that process and restarting WAMP everything worked fine.


1 of 2 services running..... Check the directory of your Wamp installation.....Make Sure it is C....it resolves my problem.


I uninstalled previous older version of wamp, and installed both services and started and works.