I am having trouble getting an expected result with SSAS and Type 2 SCD data. Below, I have listed the simple tables I am using, the output from SSAS that I am getting and the output from SSAS that I am hoping for. I feel SSAS should be able to retrieve the data like how I would want; I believe I am just having difficulty "hooking it up" correctly :).
Tables I am Using
ID (PK) AltID (Business Key) Name Start Date End Date
1 1 Client A 01/01/1995 01/31/1995
2 1 Client ABC 02/01/1995 NULL
ID (PK) ClientID Sales SalesDate
1 1 $100 01/15/1995
2 1 $200 02/15/1995
3 1 $300 03/15/1995
Plus a DimDate table that has every date from 01/01/1900 -> 12/31/2050 entered as the PK, plus their various attributes like Day of Month, Day of Week, etc.. etc..
Outputs (Current vs Expected)
I am attempting to view client data by month, and I get this:
Month Client Sales
January Client A $100
February Client A $200
March Client A $300
When I am expecting (and want) to see this:
Month Client Sales
January Client A $100
February Client ABC $200
March Client ABC $300
How come my SSAS cube does not recognize that Client A was changed to Client ABC for the Months of February and March?
To hopefully provide some insight to how my cube is current hooked up:
-FactSales ClientID is linked to DimClient AltID
-FactSales SalesDate is linked to my DimDate PK field
I have been unable to link DimClient to DimDate by any means.
Thank you for the input and help with my problem!