
probably this question was asked before, however, I am not sure how I can calculate the space complexity of DFS. for example in this situation, branching factor(b) is 3 and depth(d) is 5 and each node requires 10 bytes of memory to represent. how can I calculate the space complexity ?

Try searching the Internet for "space complexity of depth first search"?anatolyg
How is the number of bytes per node related to the space complexity(it does not matter as long as it is a constant)?kraskevich
The space complexity is O(d).Yves Daoust
as I saw on russel and norvig book space complexity os DFS is b.m(max depth) then I saw this question and I didnot find the solution(actually I don't understand how I can calculate it)gulsen

1 Answers


It depends over what kind of structure you perform the depth first search (DFS):

  • over a tree: you need not check whether you have visited a state before and must only store the current trace (in a stack), which becomes maximally depth $d$. For each state on the trace, you need to store which outgoing transitions you have traversed already, which becomes maximally the maximal branching factor $b$ for each state. Thus you require $O(d * b)$ space.
  • over a graph: you need to additionally check whether you have visited a state before by storing all states already visited, e.g. in a hash table. Thus you require $O(d * b + |V|)$ space, with V being the set of vertices. On the interwebs, you usually read that the space complexity is $O(|V|)$; usually the number of states is the major factor, but if your state space has a large $b$, do not ignore this part of the space requirement!