I want to create a Pentaho Report (with Report Designer) based on an Excel file. However, I want to have this Excel file kind of generic and select a specific subset from it using a Pentaho Data Integration (Kettle) transformation.
I can make it work with Pentaho Report Designer: I've created a transformation data source, which in its turn reads a Excel file, all three files (report, transformation and Excel) being in the same directory.
How do I get this to work when published to the BA(BI) Server?
I have followed this answer (Using PDI transformation in Pentaho BI server as data source for report parameters) to have my transformation loaded by Pentaho BA Server, so now I can have a report based on a transformation that loads from the very Report Designer file itself. My question is how I bring the Excel file being used as source for the transformation along? I tried to include it as a resource and reference it as a filename without path in the transformation, but it have not worked.