I have to send mail to multiple recipient eg. to all the employee of an organization. For this I go through the resources via search engine and decided to make multiple instant of SmtpClient and send mail using async. So for test I write following code having gmail test server.
public void SendMail()
string strEmail = string.Empty;
// for collecting multiple recepient
//foreach (GridViewRow grd in gdv_txtMailTo.Rows)
// CheckBox chkBx = (CheckBox)grd.FindControl("chkBxSelect");
// if (chkBx != null && chkBx.Checked)
// {
// strEmail += ((Label)grd.FindControl("Label1")).Text + ',';
// }
strEmail = "[email protected]";
string emails = strEmail;
string output = DBNull.Value.ToString();
//if (emails != "")
// output = emails.Remove(emails.Length - 1, 1);
MassMail_Controller.SaveSelectedEmails(output, PortalID);
MassMail_Info info = new MassMail_Info();
info.SendFrom = txtMailFrom.Text;
info.Subject = txtSubject.Text;
info.CC = txtCC.Text;
info.BCC = txtBCC.Text;
info.FileName = "";
info.SendTo = strEmail;
string messageTemplate = txtBody.Text;
info.Body = messageTemplate;
info.UserModuleId = UserModuleID;
info.PortalId = PortalID;
for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
MailHelper.SendMailOneAttachment(info.SendFrom, info.SendTo, info.Subject, info.Body, info.FileName, info.CC, info.BCC);
//Thread thread = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(GetAllEmail));
//thread.IsBackground = true;
//while (thread.IsAlive)
// ShowMessage(SageMessageTitle.Exception.ToString(), "Mail Sent", "", SageMessageType.Success);
catch (Exception ex)
And mailHelper would be:
public static void SendEMail(string From, string sendTo, string Subject, string Body, ArrayList AttachmentFiles, string CC, string BCC, bool IsHtmlFormat)
SageFrameConfig sfConfig = new SageFrameConfig();
//string ServerPort = sfConfig.GetSettingValueByIndividualKey(SageFrameSettingKeys.SMTPServer);
//string SMTPAuthentication = sfConfig.GetSettingValueByIndividualKey(SageFrameSettingKeys.SMTPAuthentication);
//string SMTPEnableSSL = sfConfig.GetSettingValueByIndividualKey(SageFrameSettingKeys.SMTPEnableSSL);
//string SMTPPassword = sfConfig.GetSettingValueByIndividualKey(SageFrameSettingKeys.SMTPPassword);
//string SMTPUsername = sfConfig.GetSettingValueByIndividualKey(SageFrameSettingKeys.SMTPUsername);
string ServerPort = (SageFrameSettingKeys.SMTPServer);
string SMTPAuthentication =(SageFrameSettingKeys.SMTPAuthentication);
string SMTPEnableSSL = (SageFrameSettingKeys.SMTPEnableSSL);
string SMTPPassword = (SageFrameSettingKeys.SMTPPassword);
string SMTPUsername = (SageFrameSettingKeys.SMTPUsername);
string[] SMTPServer = ServerPort.Split(':');
MailMessage myMessage = new MailMessage();
myMessage.From = new MailAddress(From);
myMessage.Subject = Subject;
myMessage.Body = Body;
myMessage.IsBodyHtml = true;
if (CC.Length != 0)
if (BCC.Length != 0)
if (AttachmentFiles != null)
foreach (string x in AttachmentFiles)
if (File.Exists(x)) myMessage.Attachments.Add(new Attachment(x));
SmtpClient smtp = new SmtpClient();
if (SMTPAuthentication == "1")
if (SMTPUsername.Length > 0 && SMTPPassword.Length > 0)
smtp.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(SMTPUsername, SMTPPassword);
smtp.EnableSsl = bool.Parse(SMTPEnableSSL.ToString());
if (SMTPServer.Length > 0)
if (SMTPServer[0].Length != 0)
smtp.Host = SMTPServer[0];
if (SMTPServer.Length == 2)
smtp.Port = int.Parse(SMTPServer[1]);
smtp.Port = 25;
object userState = myMessage;
//wire up the event for when the Async send is completed
smtp.SendCompleted += new
Console.WriteLine("Sending message... press c to cancel mail. Press any other key to exit.");
//string answer = Console.ReadLine();
// If the user canceled the send, and mail hasn't been sent yet,
// then cancel the pending operation.
//if (answer.StartsWith("c"))
// smtp.SendAsyncCancel();
//// Clean up.
throw new Exception("SMTP Host must be provided");
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
This code snippet works fine but I couldnot send specified number of mail. The number of email sent is differnt each time I execute this code ie. it may be 35, 40, 42 etc. It seems some instances of SmtpClient got failed, but I didnot get any exception. Am I doing something wrong. Do We have better option to send multiple mail at one time?