I try to connect android to linux via bluetooth low energy GATT mode.
There is a example code in Bluez: btgatt-server.c, I use it as server.
The Android Side be as the Android official example:Connecting to a GATT Server. That is, use function BluetoothDevice::connectGatt(Context context, boolean autoConnect, BluetoothGattCallback callback).
After running, the Android part returned the connection be successful,(the parameter of BluetoothGattCallback::onConnectionStateChange be STATE_CONNECTED), but the program in linux(btgatt-server) did not get any response, that still block in waiting accepting. ( line 485).
I also used another example code : l2cap-ble.c, the result was totally the same.
Anyone could help me? my goal is : after connecting, linux gatt server would send a data to Android. Then disconnecting.
thank you lots.
to see if any packet exchange is really happening through your bluetooth interface. – Isa A