I am using SSRS Report Builder to generate a weekly visitor report in which the data is pulled from a SharePoint list calendar.
I have two parameters, one for Start_Time and one for End_Time:
Start_Time expression: =DateAdd("d", 8 - DatePart("w", Today()), Today())
Stop_Time expression: =DateAdd("d", 15 - DatePart("w", Today()), Today())
The data has a filter (sorry, I'm new and they won't let me post a screenshot of the filter):
"Expression [Start_Time]
Operator -- Between
Value [@Start_Time] [@End_Time]"
The report pulls the SharePoint calendar entries correctly if they start/stop within the week. However, if they begin or end outside of the week, the entries do not show up in the report at all.
I would like the report to show all entries which fall within the week pulled by the report, whether or not they begin/end outside of the week. Thanks!