I am a VIM guy - but evil-mode allowed me to productively use Emacs for my Scala development, and it did it so well that I am sort of hooked... I want to customize the environment to my liking, so I e.g. added these to my .emacs
(define-key evil-normal-state-map (kbd "<f7>") 'ensime-typecheck-all)
(define-key evil-normal-state-map (kbd "C-]") 'ensime-edit-definition)
While in evil-normal-mode, the first line allows me to do a typecheck of my Scala code by just hitting F7, while the second one navigates me to a type/val definition via the muscle-memoried Ctrl-]
(used for tags-based navigation in VIM).
My only problem is that what I've done so far is a "global" assignment - if I open a Python file, I'd want F7 to do a different thing (pyflakes or pylint). How can I assign different actions to the same key based on what kind of file is currently open in the buffer I am viewing?
In case it helps, in my .vimrc
, I've done this via sections like these:
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.ml call SetupOCamlEnviron()
function! SetupOCamlEnviron()
se shiftwidth=2
" Remap F7 to make if the file is an .ml one
noremap <buffer> <special> <F7> :make<CR>
noremap! <buffer> <special> <F7> <ESC>:make<CR>
" Thanks to Merlin
noremap <buffer> <silent> <F6> :SyntasticCheck<CR>
noremap! <buffer> <silent> <F6> <ESC>:SyntasticCheck<CR>
inoremap <buffer> <C-Space> <C-x><C-o>
noremap <buffer> <C-]> :Locate<CR>
inoremap <buffer> <C-]> <ESC>:Locate<CR>
How do I do this kind of thing in Emacs/evil?
EDIT: In search of a way to do this, I realized I can dispatch on different code when F7 is pressed in normal mode - so I wrote this Emacs lisp:
(defun current-buffer-extension ()
(if (stringp (buffer-file-name))
(file-name-extension buffer-file-name)
(defun handle-f7 ()
(if (string= (current-buffer-extension) "scala")
(define-key evil-normal-state-map (kbd "<f7>") 'handle-f7)
...which can be extended with other tool invocations as I learn more about Emacs, by adding actions based on the file extension.
Being completely new to Emacs, I am open to suggestions...
Am I on the right track here? Is there a better way to do what I want? Have I violated some principle by hooking evil-normal-mode keystrokes?